Henry Greenfield Sothoron

** Biography

SOTHORON, HENRY GREENFIELD (ca. 1732–1793). BORN: ca. 1732 in St. Mary's County; only son to survive childhood. NATIVE: fourth generation. RESIDED: in Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary's County. FAMILY BACKGROUND. FATHER: John Johnson Sothoron (?–1744) of St. Mary's County, son of John Sothoron of St. Mary's County, who immigrated in 1677 as a minor. STEPFATHER: Baptist Barber (?–1752) of St. Mary's County. MOTHER: Mary, daughter of Henry Peregrine Jowles (1681–1720) and wife Dryden, granddaughter of both Henry Jowles (ca. 1640 - ca. 1700/1) and Kenelm Cheseldyne (1640–1708). STEPMOTHER: Elizabeth (?–1784), daughter of John Donaldson (?–1748), rector of King and Queen Parish, St. Mary's County, 1715–1748, and wife Elizabeth (?–1756). BROTHER: John. STEPBROTHERS: Archibald Donaldson Barber; Baptist Barber. STEPSISTER: Rebecka Barber, who married (first name unknown) Locke. MARRIED first, Mary (1736–1763), daughter of Zachariah Bond (?–ca. 1776) and wife Margaret (?–1792). Her first cousin was Thomas Bond (?–ca. 1797). MARRIED second, Mary (?–1825), probably the daughter of John Bond (?–1760) of St. Mary's County and wife Elizabeth. Mary was probably the granddaughter of both Zachariah Bond (?–ca. 1716) of St. Mary's County and John Attaway (?–1732) of St. Mary's County. She was probably the niece of Zachariah Bond (?–ca. 1776). Her brothers were probably Gerard (?–1789); Samuel (?–ca. 1818); John; Richard; William; and Thomas Bond (?–ca. 1797). Her sisters were probably Susanna, who married (first name unknown) Bates; Elizabeth, who married (first name unknown) Jordan. CHILDREN. SONS: John; Zachariah; Henry; James Forbes; Thomas; and George Washington. DAUGHTERS: Eleanor, who married (first name unknown) Gardiner; Ann, who married (first name unknown) Smith; Mary, who married James Biscoe; Rebecca Jowles, who married Philip Key (1750–1820); and (first name unknown), who married (first name unknown) Thomas. PRIVATE CAREER. EDUCATION: literate. RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Anglican. OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE: planter; called merchant, 1768 and 1771. PUBLIC CAREER. LEGISLATIVE SERVICE: Lower House, St. Mary's County, 1757–1758, 1758–1761, 1762–1763, 1765–1766; Conventions, St. Mary's County, 1st, 1774, 4th, 1775 (did not attend). LOCAL OFFICES: justice, St. Mary's County, 1768–1777 (quorum, 1773–1777), commissioned 1778 (did not qualify); trustee, Charlotte Hall School, in office 1774; churchwarden, All Faith Parish, St. Mary's County, 1774–1777; All Faith Parish Vestry, in office 1774, 1792-1793. MILITARY SERVICE: captain, Sixth Battalion, St. Mary's County Militia, by 1776. WEALTH DURING LIFETIME. PERSONAL PROPERTY: assessed value £658.15.0, including 15 slaves, Charles County property only, 1783; 69 slaves, St.Mary's and Charles counties, 1790; assessed value £999.12.6, including 45 slaves and 123 ounces plate, St. Mary's County only, 1793. LAND AT FIRST ELECTION: 290 acres in St. Mary's County (inherited from father). SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN LAND BETWEEN FIRST ELECTION AND DEATH: acquired, probably all through purchase, over 2,000 acres in St. Mary's and Charles counties (800 acres in Charles County coowned with Zachariah Bond), 1762–1793; sold (with Zachariah Bond) 800 acres in Charles County, 1771. WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED: will probated on November 2, 1793, in St. Mary's County. PERSONAL PROPERTY: TEV, £6,129.8.11 current money (including 75 slaves and books), plus 168 oz. plate; FB, £3,446.10.7, plus 168 oz. plate. LAND: over 1,500 acres in Charles and St. Mary's counties.  (Papenfuse* 2:759)

** Father’s will & estate - Maryland

Will of John Johnson Sothoron. To wife Elizabeth, use of Dwelling Plantation, with100 acres at southeast line from the river until it meets Barbers bounded hickory, and tract "...which I hold in his Lordship's Manor of Chaptico..." during her natural life. To pass to son Henry Greenfield Sothoron at his age of 20. Residual left to son Henry Greenfield Sothoron, after wife has taken what she wants of testator’s personal estate. Trustees & executors brothers Samuel & Richard. Test: Leonard Clarke, John Briscoe. (Wills TA#1:158, St. Mary’s Co., 1744.10.09, Proved 1744.12.05)

Inventory of John Johnson Sothoron. Includes 11 slaves, one 79 year old female servant, 13 sheep, 6 horses, 21 cattle, 23 hogs, 6 leather chairs, 4 mirrors, 1 fiddle, 10 dozen bottles, 7 beds with furniture, 3 beer kegs, 1 gun, chestnut shingles. Valued at £571.0.11½. Next of kin Henry Greenfield Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron.

- On 23 July 1745 Richard Sothoron testified that one slave and child were gifts to Henry Greenfield Sothoron by his grandmother Dryden Forbes, and surveying instruments from his father. (Inv 3:71, St. Mary’s Co., 1745.02.12)

Account of John Johnson Sothoron. Additional monies received from Luke Gardiner, Mary Sly, Robert Parker, Robt. Briscoe. Net value £48.3.6½. Sureties Leonard Clark, John Briscoe of St. Mary’s Co.. Distribution to widow & Henry Greenfield Sothoron orphant of deceased. (Accts 24:239, St. Mary’s Co., 1747.10.21)

Before the Prerogative Court, Daniel Dulany Esq presiding:

Baptist Barber & Elizabeth his wife  
vs. St. Mary's
Samuel & Richard Sothoron, executors Libel & Answer
    for John Johnson Sothoron  

Baptist Barber gent. Wife Elizabeth Southern widow & relict of John Johnson Sothoron late of Charles Co., who died shortly after making his will. Prosperous. Inventory claimed to be imperfect and with purposeful omission of valuable items, including slave woman, one slave boy, surveying instruments, andirons, gold ring. Claims brothers of executors owe money to the estate and refuse to pay, including money received from Mrs. Forbes. Elizabeth's father John Donaldson. Executors sued by several creditors. Barber's wife also called "Rachel." Summons issued for executors to answer charges, returnable 9 Sept 1746.

- Continued several times, answered 10 Mar 1747. The noted items were purposefully left out, since they were not rightful property of testator. The slave woman was given to Henry Greenfield Sothoron (HGS), son of testator, by his grandmother soon after he was born. The andirons were a gift from testator's mother, and were reclaimed after his death. Testator had married one of daughters of Henry Peregrine Jowles of St. Mary’s Co., and before or after death of his first wife had preferred a libel against Dryden Forbes widow & executrix of Henry Peregrine Jowles for some portion of his wife's portion of the estate. Judgment was in favor of testator a few days before his death, for £35.5 gold & silver, £32 paper. Mrs. Forbes was reportedly disturbed at parting with so much money which would go to the widow & children of testator's second wife, so arranged giving it directly to Henry G. Sothoron to keep it out of testators estate. Reference is made to a legacy to Richard Sothoron from Mary Rose's estate. Testator had one brother of whole blood named Benjamin, who died since testator; and half brother John Burch. Elizabeth's father called "parson".

- On 5 March 1745 the testimony of Susanna Donaldson, about 21, that she heard Mrs. Dryden Forbes & Mrs. Rebecca Jowles discuss the gift of a slave to Henry G. Sothoron, and the slave's child to go to Henry's brother John. Testator called "Captain".

- Leonard Clark 37 year old testified on 5 March 1745 that the slave was the property of Henry G. Sothoron, and that testator told him the surveying instruments would be given to HGS when he learned to use them.

- John Briscoe, 24 years old, on same date confirmed slave ownership, and John Burch confirmed ownership of the surveying instruments.

- On 25 March 1745 Leonard Clark confirmed the money being given to HGS, noting the money "...came by his mother Mary Sothoron."

- Continued on several occasions. Judged 12 June 1747, dismissed with costs, if cause not shown by January next. (Test Proc 32:139, St. Mary’s Co., 1748.01.16)

Baptist Barber & Elizabeth his wife Court decree, standing on Tenemptory Rule, that
agt. libel be dismissed with cost. Mr. Bordley
Samuel and Richard Southorn executors Procurator for Libellants to have notice
   of John Johnson Southorn (Test Papers Box 47, Folder 53, 1747/8.01.16)

** Uncle’s estate - Maryland

The inventory of Kenelm Greenfield Jowles, appraised by William Hebb & Robert Chesley for £497.5.7. Next of kin are Henry G. Sothoron & Rebecca Jowles. Accuracy of inventory verified by Dryden Forbes. (Prerog Court Inv 29:231, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1744.06.06)

The account of Mrs. Dryden Forbes, administratrix of Kenelm Greenfield Jowles dec'd St. Mary’s Co., by virtue of a commission issuing out of prerogative office dated 15 Jan 1745. Balance of the estate £556.2.1, disposed according to law to the above accountant to James Forbes to Henry Greenfield Sothern and Rebecca Jowles Legal Representatives of the dec'd. (Accts 22:173, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1746.04.02)

** Father-in-law’s will & estate - Maryland

Will of Zachariah Bond. To his wife the home plantation & adjacent Middle Quarter, plus his part of Chaptico & upper mill - to pass then to granddaughter Mary Sothoron. To granddaughter Clarissa Bond all land she & her husband Samuel live on (part of Calverton Manor), 400 acres. To granddaughter Harriet Claggett, 500 acres of Calverton Manor now rented by Thomas Callis, with adjacent tract bought from Mr. Edelen. To granddaughter Rebecca Jowles Sothoron, Indian Town (part of Bond's Rest), now in possession of Zepheniah Bond, 245 acres; plus St. Johns, bought from Matthew Herbert and rented by Samuel Cusick, 5 acres; plus part of Chaptico Manor bought of Eneas Campbell. Upper mills & parts of Chaptico pass to Rebecca Jowles Sothoron & Mary Sothoron on death of wife. To Thomas Bond, son of nephew Thomas, tract he lives on called Tillency, 180 acres; one half of his bond forgiven, other half to be paid to his brother Jeremiah. Sisters children: Matthew & Abraham Tennison. Executor Henry Greenfield Sothoron, "...son in law and friend..." (Wills 41(WF#2):17 {Also Wills TA#1:741}, St. Mary’s Co., 1775.03.14, Proved 1775/6.02.01

Returns from St. Mary's Co. Zachariah Bond his will & Testy. Bond by Henry Greenfield Sothoron with Richard Bond, Jno. H. Broom his sureties in the sum of £10,000. (Test Proc 47:37, 1776.02.19, Recorded 1776.08.12)

On application of Henry Greenfield Sothoron Executor of Zachariah Bond late of St. Mary’s Co. deceased to settle and pass the account of the said deceased’s Estate–Ordered that the Register of Wills do settle & pass the same. (Fenwick* {Orphan Court Proc :192}, St. Mary’s Co., 1777.12.16)

** Mother-in-law’s will & estate - Maryland

Will of Margaret Bond widow. All personal property left to great granddaughter Mary Briscoe, to be held for and used by her mother Mary Briscoe until minor is 16 or married. If she dies or does not marry, goes to her mother. If either claims part of estate of the late Basil Briscoe, now in the possession of testator's daughter Mary Harrison in North Carolina, all estate will go to daughter, provided she relinquishes claim against testator's son James Briscoe, and that she makes over her right of dower to plantation at St. Inegoes which said son had sold to his uncle James Briscoe. Testator's friend Henry Greenfield Sothoron appointed sole executor. (Wills JJ#2:18, St. Mary’s Co., 1790.01.14, Proved 1792.02.06)

Margaret Bond of St. Mary’s Co. holds firmly unto Henry Greenfield Sothoron in full & just sum of £1,000 current money. Notes marriage between her grandson James Biscoe & Mary, daughter of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. Mary had considerable property at time of marriage, thus Margaret Bond promised to make a will of personal property in favor of said Mary & issue of marriage. If Margaret keeps her current will in full force & without change, this obligation to become void. Recorded at the request of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. Witness: Rd Bond, Hanson Briscoe. (Wills JJ#2:19, St. Mary’s Co., 1790.01.14, Recorded 1792.02.06)

In the case of Henry Tubman vs. Edward Anderson, as to the sale of some real estate, Henry Greenfield Sothoron testified he had often seen Anderson's writing when he was in a store in Benedict, and perhaps letters, and he believes exhibited signatures to be those of Anderson. (Chancery Rec 34#1:13, 1792.08.25, Recorded 1795.02)

** Land Records - Maryland

Patent of John Johnson Sothoron for Brotherhood, 220 acres. Surveyed 2 April 1727 for Samuel Sothoron. John & Samuel Southoron of St. Mary’s Co. previously had laid out & surveyed 220 acres by virtue of assignment from William Joseph of Prince George's Co., being part of a warrant for 2,000 acres granted Joseph 26 March 1707. Samuel died, became sole right of John, who also since died, and whose eldest son John Johnson Southoron now enters claim. Abuts his property Southorons Delight. Extends to Spanish branch which falls into main branch of Indian Creek. Certified Patents AM#1:360 (not checked). ? Patented to Henry Greenfield Sothoron, 16 Jul 1733 (Patents PL#8:812, St. Mary’s Co., 1733.07.16)

Henry Greenfield Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. the son and heir at law of Mary Sothoron formerly Mary Jowles, daughter & heiress of Henry Jowles late of St. Mary’s Co.. Henry Jowles is the brother of whole blood & heir at law of Rebecca Moreland formerly Rebecca Jowles which said daughter was the daughter & devise of Henry Jowles the patentee of tract called the Grange. Formerly in Charles Co and now in Prince George's Co, originally patented to Henry Jowles 10 Sept1685. On the north side of Eastern Branch of Potomac River. Sold to Richard Henderson of Prince George's Co for £350. Excludes damages from tract called Inclosure. (Prov Court Land Rec DD#3:40, 1763.07.12, Recorded 1763.07.12)

Mortgage recorded 29 May 1768 at request of buyers. Indenture of 24 May 1768 between Robert Horner of Charles Co., MD, merchant: and Zachariah Bond & Henry Greenfield Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. For £513 Horner conveys several properties (boundaries given, but not abstracted here):

- Hadlow, 234 acres. Starts at bounded red oak called Wolf Pit tree.

- Parr, 50 acres. Previously purchased of Wm. Machon. Near Hadlow, on Pyles Fresh, abuts John Heard's plat called Hitchen.

- Croppers Reserve, 45 acres. Previously owned by Wm. Machon. East side of Pyles fresh, abuts Hitchen.

- Hadlow & Hitchen, 147 acres. Bought of Robert Wood, on east side of Piles swamp.

- Wood Low Grounds, 15 acres. Bought of Peter Wood, at west line of Hitchin Running.

- Simmons Chance, 186 acres. On west side of Piles swamp, abuts St. Thomas & St. Georges tracts, on main run of Piles fresh.

- Keeths Rest, 100 acres. Bought of Baker Brooks & Mary his wife in 1755.

- Hitchen, 50 acres. Abuts Lumbley.

Payment to be made over a period of three years. (58(0#3):410, Charles Co., MD)

Deed recorded 8 April 1782 at request of buyers. On 1 Dec 1771 Zachariah Bond & Henry Greenfield Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co., MD,  merchants, sell to John Barnes & Thomas Hon Bidgate of Charles Co. merchants, for £513, lands bought of Robert Homer on 27 May 1768:

- Hadlow, 237 acres.

- Parr, 50 acres.

- Croppers Reserve, 45 acres.

- Hadlow

- Hadlow & Hitchen, 147 acres.

- Wood Low lying, 15 acres.

- Symphons Chance, 186 acres.

- ½ of Keeths Rest, 100 acres.

- Hitchen, 50 acres.

Witness: Thomas Bond, Jeremiah Jordan. Margaret Bond wife of Zachariah Bond, Elizabeth Sothoron wife of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. (61(S#3):248, Charles Co., MD)

Surveyed for Henry Greenfield Sothoron, The Puzzle, 136 acres. Lies in St. Mary's and Charles Counties, abuts western side of Sothorons Desire. [NOTE: No patent found] (Survey #362, St. Mary’s Co., 1782)

Surveyed for Henry Greenfield Sothoron, The Addition, 48 acres. Part of Calverton Manor, begins at a bounded White Oak, the 3rd bounded tree of Sothoron's Desire: [NOTE: no patent found]

- 1 N 168 perches

- 2 S 24 W 211 perches

- 3 S 80 E 44 perches

- 4 To starting point.

(Survey #10, St. Mary’s Co., 1782.05.27)



            Sothoron Esq. 

            Mr. John Moran & Mr Robert Gill claim part of the bestowed land that you purchased, I think you said that it would not injure any person. As the sales were to have been made at Port Tobacco, I ought not to have sold before the day appointed, but to save you trouble, and conceiving that no one would be affected by your purchasing, I thought at the time there could be no impropriety in the measure -- but I am well satisfied (if what they say is true) that you will let them have such parts as may suit them, I am


                                    Your humble servant

                                    Dan. of Thos. St. Jenifer

            (Intendant’s Letter Book 12:195, 1785.04.21)

Robert Gill vs. Attorney General of Maryland and Henry Greenfield Sothoron

- Claimant had purchased in March 1785 from State's Intendant of The Revenue Fox's Race in Charles Co., 30 acres, at 15 sh. per acre. Bond given to the State 16 March 1785. Has paid 4 years interest. Before this, Henry G. Southen of St. Mary’s Co. had bought the same of the Intendant for the same price and had given bond for this & other lands. Gill agrees to relinquish claim of land, but wants bond forgiven & interest returned. Injunction filed against any action on noted Bond, dated 27 July 1790. (Chancery Papers 85-N, Charles Co., 1790.07.26)

Henry Greenfield Sothoron vs Attorney General, State of Maryland

- Orator claims that in March of 1785 he purchased from Intendant of Revenue for 15 sh. per acre, 304 acres previously confiscated in the late Lord Proprietor's Reserve. Bond was given to the State for £328, & interest paid since. Subsequently learned that 121 acres were already in the limits of patent tract called New Bedford, & 133 acres included in Fox's Race, reducing available land to 48 acres. Prays for reduction of payment, return of interest, and injunction against proceeding against his Bond.

- Statement of the Attorney General, dated 30 August 1793. An agreement was reached, with the land passing to Luther Martin.

- Judgment in Chancery 19 November 1798. Complainant having long since died, previously granted injunction is dissolved, and the bill of the complainant dec'd declared to be abated. (Chancery Papers 4562, St. Mary’s Co., 1790.07.26)

304 acres of confiscated land sold to Henry G. Sothoren for £228.0.0, by bond with Francis G. Plowden. (Intendant Ledger B:83, 1785.03.11)

List of recipients of confiscated property, sold on bond with interest of 6% payable on or before 1 January 1790:

- Henry G. Sothoren & Francis G. Plowden, for £228.0.0

- Francis G. Plowden & Henry G. Sothoran, for £25.0.0

- John Estep & Henry Sothoran, for £104.5.0 (Intendant Day Book 1:18, 1785.03.11)

See Notes for son John’s patent of lands surveyed for Henry Greenfield Sothoron, but not yet patented. Included are Poverty Knolls, Addition to Brotherhood & White Oak Thicket. John’s Notes also includes a description of lands bought by HGS from Basil Brooke & Jane Fenwick, containing 1008 ½ acres in all.

See Notes for son James Forbes for suit against John Brooke, regarding lands bought by HGS for which bonds of conveyance had been lost. Lands were Westwood Manor, Charles Borough & Inlet, 325 acres total, all in Charles Co.

** Land Office Debt Books - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (Held as Henry G. Sothoron or Henry Greenfield Sothoron)

Year     Folio:Lib   Tract  Acres   Rent
1756 39:19 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.0
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0


pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills       50   0.2.0
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
1758 39:17 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills


    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
1759 40:14 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.0
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
1760 40:17 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.0
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
1761 40:17 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.0
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.0
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
1762 40:13 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.10
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
    Orphans Gift 400   0.8.0
    Hallbridge Town 130   0.5.2½
1763  40:14 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.0
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
    Orphans Gift 400   0.8.0
    Hallbridge Town 130   0.5.2½
1764 40:13 pt Brotherhood 140  


    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.0
    pt Westham 100  


    Orphans Gift 400   0.8.0
    Hallbridge Town 130   0.5.2½
1765 40:13 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.0
    pt Westham  100  


    Orphans Gift  400   0.8.0
    Hallbridge Town 130   0.5.2½
1766 40:14 pt Brotherhood 140   0.5.10
    Sothorons Hills 50   0.2.10
    pt Westham 100   0.4.0
    Orphans Gift 400   0.8.0
    Hallbridge Town 130   0.5.2½
1767 41:15 pt. Brotherhood 140
    Sothoron's Hills 50
    pt. Westham 100
    Orphan's Gift 400
    Halfbridge Town 130
1768 41:11 pt. Brotherhood


    Sothoron's Hills


    pt. Westham


    Orphan's Gift  400
    HalfBridge Town 130
1769 41:11 pt. Brotherhood 140
    Sothoron's Hills


    pt. Westham 100
    Orphan's Gift 400
    HalfBridge Town 130
1770 41:17 pt. Brotherhood 140
    Sothoron's Hills 50
    Westham 100
    Orphan's Gift 400
    Halfbridge Town 130
1771 41:14 Brookwood 140
    Sothoron's Hills


    Westham 100
    Orphan's Gift 400
    HalfBridge Town 130
1773 41:16 pt. Brookwood 140
    Sothoron's Hills


    Westham 100
    Orphan's Gift


    HallBridge Town 130
1774 41:17 pt. Brookwood 140
    Sothoron's Hills


    Westham 100
    Orphan's Gift 400
    HalfBridge Town 130

** Tax Assessments - Maryland


Henry Greenfield Sothoron is included on the 1765 Tax List for Upper Resurrection Hundred.  (MD Genealogical Society web page - from MSA Microfilm SR4543)

John Eden, Sheriff of St. Mary’s Co. makes his return of Excise on liquor, for duties received since 8 Nov 1758. Includes "Bond & Sothoron." (Calendar of Maryland State Papers (Black Books)* 1:139 {III, 70, 948}, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1760.09.29)

John Eden, Sheriff of St. Mary’s Co. makes his return of Excise on liquor, for duties received since 25 March 1761. Includes "Mr. Sothoron." (Calendar of Maryland State Papers (Black Books)* 1:161, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1761.09.29)

Charles Co. Tax List, 1783 (District 3) - G. Henry Sothoron:

Land 575 acres      value 1306.5
Slaves 15
Horses 8   \ 128.5
Cattle 45 /
Other property   59.1
Total value   1965
Assessment   19.13
Ditto in specie   4.18.3
White inhabitants    0  

1794 assessment of Henry G. Sothoron, Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co. Slaves: 45; 123 oz. Plate – 51.5.0. Lands: Orphans Gift, 394 acres; Hallbridge Town, 130 acres; Sothorons Hills, 50 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres. Personal 249.7.6. Total 2436.12.6. (Fenwick*)

1794 assessment of Henry G. Sothoron, Chaptico Hundred, St. Mary’s Co . Slaves: 0. Land: Westham, 100 acres. Total 75.0.0. (Fenwick*)

1795 assessment of H. G. Sothoron’s hrs., Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co. Slaves: 45; 123 oz. Plate – 51.5.0. Lands: Orphans Gift, 394 acres; Haldbridge Town, 130 acres; Sothorons Hills, 50 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres. Personal: 249.15.0. Total: 2437.0.0. (Fenwick*)

1795 assessment of Henry G. Sothoron, Chaptico Hundred, St. Mary’s Co. Slaves: 0. Land: Westham, 100 acres. Total 75.0.0.. (Fenwick*)

1796 assessment of H. G. Sothoron’s hrs., Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co. Slaves: 45; 123 oz. Plate – 51.5.0. Lands: Orphans Gift, 394 acres; Haldbridge Town, 130 acres; Sothorons Hills, 50 acres; Brotherhood, 120 acres. Personal: 249.15.0. Total: 2437.0.0.. (Fenwick*)

1796 assessment of Henry G. Sothoron, Chaptico Hundred, St. Mary’s Co. Slaves: 0. Land: Westham, 100 acres. Total 75.0.0.. (Fenwick*)

1801 assessment of Henry G. Sothoron, Chaptico Hundred, St. Mary’s Co. Slaves: 0. Land: Westham, 100 acres. Total 75.0.0.. (Fenwick*)

** Public Service - Maryland

Not all of HGS' state legislative activities are presented here, due to space limitations. Additional information may be gained from the Archives of Maryland, searchable online at www.mdarchives.state.md.us/.

Henry G. Sothoron a member of the Lower House of Assembly, 1757-1758, 1758. (Hammett* :64)

At a meeting of the Lower House, Mr. Sothoron had leave to go home.

- The House proceeded further on Consideration of the Petition and Representation of the Freeholders of St. Mary’s Co., and Resolved, That Mr. Henry Greenfield Sothoron, a Member returned for St. Mary’s Co., is duly Elected a Delegate for the said Co.. (Arch MD 55:233/4 {Proceedings & Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758. LHJ#49:39, 40}, 1757.19.13)

Mr. George Plater, Mr. Henry Greenfield Sothoron & Mr. Edmund Key represented St. Mary’s Co. at a meeting of the Lower House of Assembly. (Arch MD 55:424{Proceedings & Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758. LHJ#49:236}, 1758.02.13)

In the Lower House, Sothoron voted on various issues:

- In respect to the Supply Bill, question as to whether the Office Bond given by the Clerk of the Paper Currency Office shall be liable for any breach of duty committed by said clerk under said rule. Voted with the minority against. (Arch MD 55:445 {Proceedings & Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758. LHJ#49:254}, 1758.02.18)

In the Lower House, Sothoron voted on various Bills & motions:

- An Act for Granting a Supply of £30,000 &c., second reading, question was put whether £2,000 or £1,000 be appropriated to Cultivate the Friendship and Engage the Assistance of the Southern Tribes of Indians. Voted with the majority for £2,000.

- Motion to raise the annual value of estates. Voted with the minority in opposition.

- Motion to include household goods (except Plate), implements of husbandry & tools of occupation be excepted out of tax under the Bill for his Majesty’s Service. Voted with the minority against.

- Motion to have all lawyers taxed £7 annually upon the profits of their professions. Voted with the majority for.

- Motion to tax Factors in the same manner as Officers & Lawyers. Voted with the minority for.

- Motion to tax Factors five percent upon their clear profits. Voted with the majority for.

- Motion to amend the Supply Bill. Voted with the minority for.

- Motion to allow Commissioners to appoint Assessors. Voted with the minority for.

- Motion to alter the Bill regarding Election of Assessors. Voted with the minority for.

- (Arch MD 55:447 {Proceedings & Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758.LHJ#49:256}, 1758.03.01)

In the Lower House, Sothoron voted on various Bills & motions:

- On the Supply Bill, election of Assessors to be October next. Voted with the majority for.

- Motion as to whether any persons shall be exempt from the tax by the Supply Bill. Voted for–tie vote, defeated by vote of the Speaker.

- Question whether the portion of the Supply Bill which poses double tax on Papists to be altered. Voted with the minority for. (Arch MD 55:452 {(Proceedings & Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758.LHJ#49:258), 1758.03.02)

Sothoron voted with the minority against a Bill entitled “An Act for Granting a Supply of £30,000 for his Majesty’s Service,” with amendments thereto, at its first and second readings.

- Mr. Sothoron & others were granted Leave of Absence. (Arch MD 55:455 {Proceedings & Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758.LHJ#49:260}, 1758.03.04)

Certain freeholders of St. Mary's Co. petitioned the House on October 4, complaining of an " undue election " in that county. The members who had been returned from St. Mary's were George Plater, John Reeder, Jr., Henry Greenfield Sothoron, and Edmund Key. After an examination of the witnesses at its bar, the House unseated Key by a vote of 28 to 10, none of the St. Mary's Co. members voting. Most of those who voted against the unseating of Key were members of the Proprietary party. Plater by a vote of 23 to 18 was declared duly elected, and Reeder and Sothoron were declared elected without a recorded vote. The costs of the St. Mary's disputed election were fixed by the Lower House at £13: 10:0 (p. 313), of which the unsuccessful contestant, Key, was to pay £4:15:4, the petitioning freeholders £3:3:4, and an unnamed individual the balance (p. 636). The House then ordered a new election in that county to fill the Key vacancy, at which Key was elected in due form (pp. 217, 232-234) (Arch MD 55:34 (Proceedings & Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758}, 1758.10.04)

Henry G. Sothoron a member of the Lower House of Assembly in 1761 to 1763, and 1765-1766. (Hammett* :64)

Mr Sothoron appeared in the House.

- Ordered, That Mr Key do go with that Gentleman to the Upper House, to see him take the Oath of Abjuration, prescribed by the Act of Parliament made last Session. He returns, and acquaints Mr speaker, that Mr Sothoron has taken the Oath aforesaid, and subscribed the same. (Arch MD 61:186 {Assembly Proceedings LHJ#52:463}, 1766.11.24)

Henry Greenfield Sothoron listed as one of the county justices in 1768, 1769 & 1773. (Hammett* :54)

Henry G. Sothoron a representative of St. Mary’s Co. to Provincial Conventions of 1774-1776. (Hammett* :60)

First meeting of the Board of Trustees of Charlotte Hall School, held at Coole Springs. Includes Mr. Henry G. Sothoron, Mr. Philip Key. School was formed by Act of Assembly to replace free high schools in St. Mary's, Charles, Calvert & Prince George's Counties, to be paid in part by sale of existing schools. Next meeting of the Board was not until 7 July 1782. All old records burned in Feb. 1896. (Hammett* :299, 1774.07.01)

Henry G. Sothoron a member of the General Committee, formed to enforce the resolves of the Provincial Convention of December, 1774. (Hammett* :66, St. Mary’s Co., 1774.12.23)

At a meeting of the gentlemen freeholders and others of the County, Mr. Jeremiah Jordan was elected chairman of the group, so as to allow carrying on further business. Several of the proceedings of the Continental Congress were read, after which members were chosen for a General Committee for the County, a Committee of Correspondence, and a Committee to meet, if necessary, with the Provincial Committee in Annapolis on 14 April next. Henry G. Sothoron was elected a member of the General Committee and the last-noted Committee. (Maryland Gazette, Leonardtown, St. Mary’s Co., 1774.12.23, Reported 1775.01.05)

Original document of roster of Capt. Sothoron’s Company of the 6th Batalion (sic) of Militia, in Camp at St. George’s (MD State Papers {MSA S 997-6-1470, MdHR 19970-06-02/01}, St. Mary’s Co., 1776.07.26). The list includes:

    Entered   Discharged   Number of Days
  Capt. Henry G. Sothoron Absent        
  William Kilgour, 2d LT. July 16, 1776   July 26, 1776   11, of which acted as Capt.
  Henry Tubman, 1 LT July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5, as Captain
  John Johnson Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  Samuel Southoron, of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  John Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7

Original document of roster of Capt. Sothoron’s Company of the 6th Batalion (sic) of Militia, in Camp at St. George’s. The list includes:

  Entered Discharged Number of days
Capt. Henry G. Sothoron absent    
John Johnson Sothoron, Adj.    

July 17, 1776    

July 21, 1776     5
Richard Sothoron of Rd 17 23 7
Richard Sothoron of Saml 17 21 5
Samuel Sothoron of Saml 17 23 7
John Sothoron of Rd 17 23 7

(Maryland State Papers {MSA S 997-6-1470}, 1776.07.26)

Henry Greenfield Sothoron was appointed a Justice of the Peace at the original organization of Maryland State Government. (Scharf* 3:757, St. Mary’s Co., 1777)

Henry Greenfield Sothoron appointed a Justice of the Orphans Court of St. Mary’s Co.. (Arch MD 16:273 {Journal & Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, Jan 1-Mar 20, 1777}, 1777.06.04)

Commission issued to Henry Greenfield Sothoron as Judge of the Orphans Court. (Arch MD 16:273 {Journal & Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, Jan 1-Mar 20, 1777}, St. Mary’s Co., 1777.07.04)

Henry G. Sothoron listed as a Justice of the Peace in 1778. (Hammett* :424, St. Mary's Co.)

Henry G. Sothoron administered the oath of allegiance to men in his district. (Hammett* :75, St. Mary's Co., 1778.03)

Oath of Allegiance was administered by Henry Greenfield Sothoron to the men in his district (Hammett* :75), including Levin Sothoron. The Oath follows (Chronicles of St. Mary's 4:#7, 1778.03.02)

- I do swear that I do not hold myself bound to yield any Allegiance or Obedience to the King of Great Britain his heirs or Successors; And that I will be true and faithfull to the State of maryland, and will to the utmost of my power support, maintain and defend the freedom and independance thereof and the Government now Established Against all open Enemies and secret and traitorous conspiraces and will use my utmost Endeavours to disclose and make known to the Governor, or some one of the Judges, or Justices thereof, all Treason and Traitorous conspiraces, attempts or Combinations against this State or the Government thereof, which may come to my knowledge

                                                            SO HELP ME GOD.

4/4/1838:  Rev. War Pension Application of George Dent, St. Mary's Co.  He volunteered to relieve a class out of Charlotte Hall in SMC commanded by Capt. Henry Sothoron.  He knows it was in 1778, the year in which the Battle of Monmouth was fought; we tried to get there in time but could not.  We heard the firing, etc.  I was marched with others under the command of Capt. Carberry as far as Annapolis and then sent by water to the head of the Elk where we remained for 7-8 days, and then we were marched to headquarters in NJ where we arrived the day after the Battle of Monmouth.
- We were then dispensed to fill up the vacancies in the different companies, chiefly belonging to the Second Maryland Regiment.  Jonothan Woodburn, Norman Burroughs, and myself went into Capt. John Davidson's Company because Richard Hill and Henry Spalding from our County were in that company and had been out for some time.  (Reno*)

** Census Schedules, 1790 - Maryland

Henry G. Sothoron (pg. 52, Charles Co.) 23 Slaves. "His quarter at Benedict, Leonard Branson overseer"

Henry Greenfield Sothoron (pg 109, St. Mary’s Co.)

Free white males 16 & older....3
under 16....3
white females....4

** Actions as witness, surety or appraiser - Maryland

Samuel Warren of Prince George's Co planter sells tract called Ludfords Gift, in Prince George's Co, to Samuel Wilson of Annapolis, Richard Hutton of Prince George's Co Taylor. Property seized in fee simple. Witness: Henry Woodward, Henry Greenfield Sothoron. (Prov Court 17#1(BT#1):256, Prince George’s Co., 1758.04.07)

Basil Briscoe his Admin. bond in common form by Mary Ann Briscoe admx. with Henry Greenfield Sothoron & Thomas Bond his sureties in the sum of £1,000. (Test Proc 38:271, St. Mary’s Co., 1761.09.09, Recorded 1762.01.05

_____ Chesidine his administrative bond in common form by Kenelm Chesidine his administrator with Henry Greenfield Sothoron & James Jordan his sureties in the sum of £1,000. (Test Proc 38:270, St. Mary’s Co., 1761.11.05, Recorded 1762.01.05)

Exhibited from St. Mary's Co. Nathaniel Truman Greenfield his Deputy Commissiary Bond which was ordered to be filed, surety by Henry Greenfield Southoron in the sum of £200. (Test Proc 38:457, St. Mary’s Co., 1762.04.17, Recorded 1762.07.03)

Kenelum Truman Greenfield his Admin. bond in common form by Margaret Greenfield his admx. with Henry Greenfield Sothoron & Henry Tubman his sureties in the sum of £4,000. (Test Proc 41:122, St. Mary’s Co., 1765.03.06, Recorded 1765.06.08)

Return from St. Mary's Co. John Chesley his will & Testy. Bond by Elizabeth Chesley his executrix with Henry Tubman & Henry Greenfield Sothoron his sureties in the sum of £2,000. (Test Proc 42:399, Charles Co., 1767.12.24, Recorded 1768.04.27)

Returns from St. Mary's Co., recorded and filed: James Thomas his Admin. Bond in common form by Catharine Wilson Thomas his admx. with Henry Greenfield Sothoron & William Bruce his sureties in sum of £500. (Test Proc 43:146, St. Mary’s Co., 1768.09.22, Recorded1768.12.27)

John Forbes of Charles Co., John Perry of Prince George's Co & Henry Greenfield Sothoron of Charles Co. bonded to the State for £4,500 currency. Forbes is to pay treasurer of Western Shore £5 per acre for Lot # 15 and £8.5 per acre for Lot # 16 on Calverton Manor plat, per act passed by Assembly in May session 1781. One third to be paid on or before 1 Sept 1782 with interest, and annually thereafter until paid. Witness: G. Duvall. (Prov Court 24(TBH#1):124, Charles Co., 1781.10.13, Recorded 1781)

Will of Ann Anderson, late of Charles Co.. Will declared by word of mouth on day of death (14 Oct), with entire estate going to her sister Mary Anderson. Witnesses: Mary Sothoron, Henry Greenfield Sothoron, G. Somerville. (Reno(2)* {Wills JJ#1:222}, Charles Co.,1782.10.14, Proved 1782.10.15 )

40 acres of confiscated land sold to Francis G. Plowden, by bond with Henry G. Sothoren, for £25.0.0. (Intendant Ledger B:83, St. Mary’s Co., 1785.03.1)

Francis Gerard Plowden & Henry Greenfield Sothoron bound to the State for £50. Plowden is to pay the State £25 in currency or in Specie Certificates bearing interest on or before 1 Jan 1790 and annually thereafter, in accordance with act of assembly passed at November session 1784 entitled an act to establish funds to secure the payment of the State debt within 6 years. Witness: Dan. of St. Thomas Jenifery. (Prov Court 25(TBH#2):199, Charles Co., 1785.03.11, Recorded 1786)

139 acres of confiscated land sold to John Estep for £104.5.0, by bond with Henry Sothoren. (Intendant Ledger, B:83, 1785.03.12)

On petition of Henry Greenfield Sothoron & John Perrie Setting forth that they became Security for a Certain Alexander Williamson of Montgomery Co. on his administration of the Estate of Elizabeth Chesley, late of St. Mary’s Co. deceased, and that there are apprehensive from the Conduct of the Said Williamson they will be great Suffers by being Security as aforesaid they therefore pray the Court to order Citation to Issue against the Said Alexander Williamson to give Such Security to the Said petitioners - Citation ordered. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :79, St. Mary’s Co., 1785.08.08)

Will of George Frazier Hawkins of Prince George’s Co., MD. Wife Susanna Truman Hawkins to have use of home plantation “Blue Plains,” and “Addison’s Goodwill,” slaves; and half of household goods, stock & present growing stock. At wife’s death slaves pass equally to children John Truman Hawkins, George Frazier Hawkins, Peggy Hawkins & Susanna Greenfield Hawkins. Property to pass to son George Frazier at her death or 5 years from testator’s death, whichever is longer; and £50 per year during her life for his support. Eldest son John to receive £50 per year for no more than 4 years. Notes property near Redstone, PA; and judgment against estate of late Robert Harper of Berkley Co., VA for £1,225. Son John to receive residue of estate. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: Mary Sothoron, Henry Greenfield Sothoron, Margaret Truman DeButts, William Bayard. (Reno(2)* {Wills JJ#1:341}, St. Mary’s Co., 1785.08.08, Proved 1785.09.13)

Alexander Williamson appears on Complaint against him by Henry G. Sothoron & John Perrie who became Securitys for him for the performance of his administration of the Estate of Elizabeth (Chesley) to give Counter Security for his Said Administration Mr. Sothoron and Mr. Perrie are satisfied from the Vouchers produced by Mr. Williamson in regard to Said Administration discharged by paying Costs John A. Thomas Security for Costs. (Fenwick* {Orphan Court Proc :91}, St. Mary’s Co., 1786.02)

Bonding of Philip Ford, Zachariah Forrest & Bennett Rayley of St. Mary’s Co. to State for £1,246, for services of Philip Ford as collector of sinking fund tax in St. Mary’s Co.. Witness: W.B. Smoot, H.G. Sothoron (Prov Court 26(JG#1):519, Charles Co., 1789.10.07, Recorded 1790.02.05)

Indulgence was given to several issues, including Rich’d Estep, Jona. Parker & Jno. Harbin–new bond given by R’d. Estep, Jno. Estep & H’y G. Sothoron 27th. (Arch MD 72:122 {Council Journal :200}, 1790.07.30)

The Court Appoint Samuel Bond of Prince George’s Co. Guardian to Mary Bond Briscoe daughter of James Biscoe late of St. Mary’s Co. deceased who being present in court accepts thereof Henry Greenfield Sothoron & Richard Bond Securities in £4000 Current money. Bond taken. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :157}, St. Mary’s Co., 1790.08.31)

Estate of John Sothoron, appraised by Alexander McPherson & Robert Gill, attested by H.G. Sothoron & Richard Sothoron, kindred. Creditors include John Forbes & Benjamin Davis. Richard Sothoron, administrator. Includes 16 cattle, 66 hogs, 9 horses, 4 plows, surveyors instruments, large bible, (?)7 beds, 4 female slaves. "At quarter": 5 horses, 12 sheep, 14 cattle, 22 hogs, one old book. Total value £782.8.11½. (Inv :22, Charles Co., 1790.11.13, Recorded 1791.05.09)

Under the heading of “Indulgences Granted” is “H. G. Sothoron, T. G. Plowden–New bond dated by H. G. Sothoron and Jno. Estep for £ (blank).” (Arch MD 72:119 {Council Journal & Corresp :195}, 1792.07.27)

** Church Activities - All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (except as noted)

The list of parishoners voting at the annual election included Henry G., Samuel, Richard and N.S. Sothoron (MD Hist Mag 30:352, 1733.05)

Henry Sothoron appointed warden of Lower Church. (MD Hist Mag 31:20, 1763.04.04)

Henry G. Sothoron was elected as vestryman. (MD Hist Mag 31:21, 1764.04.23)

William Bruce & George Burroughs elected vestrymen in room of Charles Reeder & Henry G. Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:25, 1767.04.20)

Building of a new church approved, Henry Sothoron to be treasurer for the project. (MD Hist Mag 31:23, 1767.05.17)

Richard, Samuel & Henry G. Sothoron were among many petitioners for the induction of Rev. John Stephen into the Parish. Pew #13 assigned to Henry Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:26, 1767.09.22)

Henry G. Sothoron was appointed a Church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:27, 1768.04.04)

Henry G. Sothoron replaced Richard Sothoron as vestryman, the latter becoming warden of the new Church. Pews in the new church were auctioned: Jane, John & Samuel Sothoron bought #8; Henry G. Sothoron & Thomas Bond bought #20; Richard, Samuel & Richard Jr. Sothoron bought #24. (MD Hist Mag 31:28, 1769.03.27)

Henry Greenfield Sothoron still a vestryman. (MD Hist Mag 31:29, 1769.07.04)

Richard & Henry Greenfield Sothoron were vestrymen. (MD Hist Mag 31:30, 1774.04.04)

Henry Tubman elected vestryman in place of Richard Sothoron. Henry Greenfield Sothoron appointed a church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:31, 1776.04.22)

Henry G. Sothoron succeeded James Burroughs as vestryman. Richard Sothoron appointed a church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:31, 1777.03.31)

The existing vestry was totally replaced by Henry Tubman, Henry G. Sothoron, Thomas Forrest, George Burroughs, Thomas A. Reeder & John Cartwright. It is not clear whether the old vestry resigned or was voted out. The entire new vestry took the oath of allegiance to the new State. (MD Hist Mag 31:31, 1777.06.01)

Henry Greenfield Sothoron continues as a vestryman. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, 1778.04.28)

Lists of subscribers by Hundred. No Sothorons in West, East, Benedict or Newport Hundreds. John Sothoron listed as a non-subscriber in Bryan Town Hundred. Henry G. Sothoron listed as a subscriber in an adjacent parish. (Vestry Minutes, Newport, Trinity Parish, Charles Co. {MSA M258}:154, 1779.07.05)

Many parishioners came forth with subscriptions of tobacco, including Henry G., Richard, Levin, Richard Sr. & Samuel Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, 1781.04.16)

** Will & estate - Maryland

Will of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. To three oldest sons (John, Zachariah & Henry) his Quarter Plantation on north side of Indian Creek in Charles Co, and the lands bought of Fenwick, with rights of survivorship between them. Should all three die intestate & before marriage, lands to pass to other sons as tenants in common: James, Thomas, & George Washington. Oldest 3 sons to pay 3,000 pounds of crop tobacco annually toward the care & education of their younger brothers, until they all reach majority.

- Dwelling plantation (except estate within it which goes to wife) to son James; if he dies single & intestate, to pass to other two youngest sons as tenants in common. If all 3 youngest die, passes to oldest 3; if they also are dead, then passes to 3 youngest daughters.

- Plantation at Newport (Charles Co.) to son Thomas; if dead, then to sons James & George Washington as tenants in common; if all dead, then to eldest 3 sons as tenants in common; if all dead, then to 3 youngest daughters as tenants in common.

- All other lands to son George Washington. If dead, to sons James & Thomas with rights of survivor; if all 3 are dead, to eldest 3 sons; if they also dead, then to 3 youngest daughters as tenants in common.

- To wife Mary the dwelling plantation during her natural life or widowhood, with use of 25 Negroes, 30 cattle, 10 horses, 30 sheep, 30 hogs, all plate, household furniture, kitchen clock, & all plantation utensils on the plantation. To have choice of stock. She is to leave plantation equally divided among all children she had by testator.

- To daughter Eleanor 7 Negroes, 6 cows & calves, 6 ewes & lambs.

- Each son to receive 3 Negroes.

- Balance of estate to be divided equally among children.

- Friend Samuel Bond executor.

- If wife Mary contests the will, it is to be considered null & void, with estate handled as if he were intestate.

- Witness: Will. Kilgore, John Horrill, Nat. Ewing.(Wills JJ#2:68, St. Mary’s Co., 1793.02.04, Proved 1793.11.02)

Mr. Bond to be allowed for £9.17.½ as overcharge in his Last account and to be charged Interest on the sum of £20.17.10 Mr. Tubmans debt from the 29th. January 1789. it being that sum he has an allowance for on that day also to be allowed for £10.10.0 a charge in Mr. Sothorons account on the Books of the deceased the same being for 600 1. Tobacco due by said Sothoron to the Vestry of All faith Parish which sum of 600 1. Tobacco Mr. Bond is also Charged with. Mr. Bond to be Charged the market price for all the Tobacco to wit 35/ perct. received from the Vestry of All faith Parish in 1785 Continues. (Fenwick* {Proc Orphans Court :192}, St. Mary's Co., 1793.04.02)

On petition of Samuel Bond executor of Henry G. Sotheron decd’ setting forth that the deceased died considerably in debt and prays the court for an order to sell as much of the said decd’ personal estate as will discharge the same. Granted. (Orphans Court Proc :202, St. Mary’s Co., 1793.11.05)

From the Maryland Gazette, courtesy of Croll*

Samuel Bond, exr of  
Henry Greenfield Sothoron,     vs     Gustavus R. Browne & W.B. Magruder,
who was surviving partner & exr.   exrs. of Richard Browne
of Zachariah Bond  

Sothoron & Bond were partners in trade in St. Mary's Co. A Joint Bond was drawn 8 May 1773 to cover debt of Richard & Alexander Browne of £627.3.8½. Alexander moved to Virginia where he died insolvent. Richard died in 1787, leaving assets to Gustavus Richard Brown of Charles Co. and William Bowie Magruder of Montgomery Co. Pray for principal and interest due from 17 June1783.

- Auditors report dated 24 June 1800, notes a balance of £711.3.1 due complainants, including interest.

- Decree dated 3 July 1800, ordering payment of debt plus costs of 2,084 pounds of tobacco.

- (Chancery Papers 4729, St. Mary’s Co., Filed 1794.06.02)

Inventory of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. Includes 75 slaves, books, silver plate (13 lbs. 15 ½ oz. - not valued). Total value £3,974.30.6. Additional monies £17.5.0. Appraisers Henry Tubman, Wm. Kilgour (Inv JJ:107, St. Mary’s Co., 1795.11)

A petition from Samuel Bond, of Prince-George’s county, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, praying a return of money paid into the treasury by the said Sothoron in his life-time, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Marbury, Mr. Smith, of Baltimore, and Mr. McPherson, to consider and report thereon. (Arch MD92:17 {House of Delegates Proc}, 1800.11.12)

The Committee considering the petition of Samuel Bond [NOTE: see 1800.11.12] reported they found the facts contained therein to be true, and proposed a resolution directing the payment of £28.6.2 current money to Samuel Bond, being that amount overpaid by Sothoron in purchasing lands in the reserves of Calverton manor, Charles county. (Arch MD 92:26 {House of Delegates Proc}, 1800.11.17)

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 21, 1800.

- RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Samuel Bond, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, the sum of twenty-eight pounds six shillings and two-pence current money, with interest from the thirty-first day of August, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, being so much overpaid by the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron for land purchased of the state of Maryland in the reserves of Calverton manor, in Charles county. [NOTE: Also appears at 94:58 and at 92:41, Arch MD] (Arch MD 93:12 {Senate Proc}, 1800.11.21)

Resolution in favour of Samuel Bond, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, was read the second time and assented to. (Arch MD 93:13 {Senate Proc}, 1800.11.24)

The resolution in favour of Samuel Bond, executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron was among several actions sent to the House of Delegates by the clerk. (Arch MD 93:14 {Senate Proc}, 1800.11.25)

The Resolution of the House of Delegates, dated 21 Nov 1800 & relating to Henry Greenfield Sothoron, was enacted. (Arch MD 94:57 {Session Laws}, 1800.12.19)

Fourth account of Samuel Bond executor of Henry Greenfield Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec’d.

- Accountant chargeth himself with balance at last settlement, 16 March 1799, amounting to 13 lbs. 15 ½ oz. plate and £2636.11.10

Accountant received other monies - total now       3571.00.8
     Debts 68.18.5 ¾
     Balance 3502.02.2 ¼

(Inv JJ:126, St. Mary’s Co., 1801.03.02)


Account of Henry Greenfield Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co., dec’d, by Samuel Bond, executor.
Estate accounted for 13 lb. 15 ½ oz. plate     £6129.8.11 ½
Payments & disbursements allowed     2464.1.6 ¾
Balance due & distributable 13..15 ½   3665.7.4 ¾
Distribution as follows, vizt 13..15 ½    6129.8.11 ½
      To widow, during life or widowhood, the use of 25 Negroes, 30 cattle
10 horses, 30 sheep, 30 hogs, all plate, household furniture, kitchen
clock & plantation utensils 13..15 ½  1604.12.9 ½
      To daughter Elenor 7 Negroes, 6 cows & calves, 6 ewes & lambs       304.0.0
      To six sons, 3 Negroes each       870.0.0
      Residue divided among six sons       886.14.7 ¼
            Plate 13..5 ½   3665.7.4 ¾

 Distributions :24 {MHS WK-298-1}, St. Mary’s Co., 1802.05.15)

Additional account of Henry G. Sothoron by Samuel Bond his executor. Value of estate 13:15½ oz. Plate, £6129.8.11½. Payments of £2862.18.4¼ made, with balance of £3446.10.7¼ plus Plate.

- To widow (not named) during single life: Plate; plus 25 Negroes, 30 cattle, 10 horses, 30 sheep, 30 hogs, tools & household goods. (Distributions :214 {MHS 298-1}, St. Mary’s Co., 1802.05.20)

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

No return on the following writ for Spring Term, 1751:

Hha.DD       Henry Greenfield Sothoron Dt. 278.10 Ster. Sem.
  William Figges Duptd. Nov. (Prov Court Judg 36(EI#13):848, 1751)

Account of James Briscoe of Charles Co. & Elizabeth his wife, administrators of the estate of Thomas Gerard Slye, late of Charles Co., dec’d. Includes payments to Zachariah Bond & Henry Sothoron, merchants. (Admin Accts :210, Charles Co., 1767.07.02)

Additional account of Richard Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co., administrator of Mary Burch late of Charles Co. dec'd. Payments made to Henry Greenfield Southern for a bond & to Samuel Southern. Balance of estate £106.0.4½. Peter ONeal & Thomas Gerrard Slye sureties. "Representatives of children of the deceased vizt. Samuel Southern, Richard Southern, Elizabeth Burch, Anne Burch, Mary Burch, & John Burch, all of age." (Accts 65 (WD#9):23, Charles Co., Recorded1770.09.19)

Final account of Jean & Levin Southoron, executors of Samuel Sothoron. Monies received from Samuel Burroughs, Wm. Bruce, John & James Jameson, Bond & Sothoron, Dr. John Hamilton, George Maxwell, John Swan, John Sothoron, Richard of Samuel Sothoron, Capt. Thomas Greenfield & others. Balance of estate £280.14.8½. (Accts 64:251, St. Mary’sPetition of Wm. Wakely of Annapolis to Gov. Thmas Johnson. Applies for position as clerk to the "Victualling Board". Native of Ireland, had been in this country 2 years as tutor to the children of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. Had served in Capt. Sothoron's Company against Dunmore's fleet the previous summer. All this certified in a letter from Sothoron to Thomas Brooke Hodgkin. (Calendar of Maryland State Papers (Red Book)* 4 Part 2:156 {XXVIII, 61, 1019}, Recorded 1777.05.07)

Will of John Kelly. To wife Elizabeth, Jeremiah Milburn & Stephen Gough, “Kelly’s Fortune,” to be equally divided between them. Land is now in dispute between Thomas Kelly, Henry Sothoron & William Greenfield. (Reno(2)* :45 {Wills JJ#1:112}, St. Mary’s Co., 1779.09.18, Proved 1779.10.12)

Will of Elizabeth Kelly. To Jeremiah Milburn, all right & title to my part of land that is in dispute between Henry Sothoron, William Greenfield & John Kelly, dec’d (Reno(2)* :51 {Wills JJ#1:133}, St. Mary’s Co., 1780.03.07, Proved 1780.04.11)

In the case of John Somerville vs. John Cartwright Ashcom, a commission was assigned to Henry G. Sothoron, John Forbes & Harrison Briscoe to appoint a guardian to the infant & take his answer. Case was continued (Chanc Rec 16:357, 1788.06)

Letter from H.G. Sothoron to the Honorable John Kilty Esq, Notes that current County surveryor, Mr. Lock, has been punished by the County Court. Recommends replacing him with Mr. Thomas Freeman, a man with wide experience. He "...has been the last sixteen months in my family..." and found to be a moral man. (MD State Papers {MHS 6636-68-112}, St. Mary’s Co., 1789.03.31)

List of St. Mary's Co., MD voters for the 1790 Congressional Elections. "Page No." refers to original document, held by the Maryland State Archives. (Ancestry.com* - Catholic Families of Southern MD, pp. 98, 99, 112, 137)

Page No. Name
49 Sothoron, Charles
71 Sothoron, Henry G.
81 Sothoron, John I. (sic)
  Sothoron, Levin
  Sothoron, Richard
  Sothoron, Samuel
90 Sothoron, Francis
  Sothoron, Henry
  Sothoron, John
99 Sothoron, Richd. of Samuel
  Sothoron, Sam.

Henry Greenfield Sothoron, aged 56 years, deposed in the case of Edward Fenwick & wife Anne vs. Vernon Hebb. Issue is ownership of Negroes. Sothoron indicated he knew both parties as well as Mrs. Hopewell Hebb, but knew nothing more of the case. (Chanc Rec 22:177, 1791.05)

From The Maryland Journal of 5 June 1792, courtesy of Croll*.

From the Maryland Journal of 12 June 1792, courtesy of Croll*.
* * * * * *

Sothoron Family Cemetery, The Plains, St. Mary's Co., MD

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.